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Video + Sales Enablement = ?

Learn how videos can enhance training, coaching, and customer outreach for your sales and marketing efforts, as well as boosting SEO for your business.

68 - Video - Sales Enablement

As video content becomes easier to create, its usefulness and importance is quickly being proven in both marketing and sales. In terms of content, most people assume the word specifically refers to marketing content. However, as the need for alignment between marketing and sales increases, the need for sales content is more important than ever.

Traditionally, marketing had the task of drawing as many people into the top of a company's sales funnel, while sales were tasked with pulling those leads into the middle and bottom of the funnel. Nowadays, marketing content is being aimed at leads throughout each stage of the buyer's journey in order to allow sales to close leads more easily and efficiently.

A study by Wyzowl found that 87% of marketers in 2019 were using video content, up from 81% at the start of 2018. Additionally, HubSpot found that 54% of consumers in 2018 wanted to see more video content from marketers. Clearly, video has become the preferred content format for the modern consumer. So what does this mean for sales? And more specifically, how can video help with sales enablement?



One great thing about videos is their reusability. In terms of content, one well-made video can be days or even weeks' worth of content if you turn it into clips for social media. Videos allow you to put a little more emotion, culture, and flavor into your training and sales processes and are useful aids when made and used correctly.

Use them to shed knowledge on products, features, or services and as supplements for onboarding and general outreach. Reps can use video emails to do walkthroughs of their products and show them firsthand, or through screenshares, a demonstration that portrays exactly what problem their company exists to solve.



Internally, video can make sales coaching more personalized and useful than ever. Have reps create pitch videos for feedback, but make it fun and competitive by adding a reward. Or just have reps submit videos of their pitches for simple, personalized, one-on-one coaching.

Videos are available to us wherever and whenever we want to look at them, so long as we have a smartphone handy. That makes it easier for sales managers and sales coaches to grade and give feedback to new reps.



Videos can help sales reps reach out with the right content, at the right time. Videos that focus on product features and service highlights can be powerful sales tools for sales reps, especially when they are sent at the appropriate stage of the buyer’s journey. By connecting with relevant, valuable, and relatable content when a person is looking for it, you can nurture prospects towards becoming consumers.


Human Connection

Using video emails lets prospects add a face to the name, and help add a human aspect to cold outreach attempts. In fact, there’s a deep psychological value that video brings to sales. To put it simply, video conveys emotion much better than a phone call or email ever could. Additionally, videos have much higher retention rates than any other digital format for information.


Increase SEO

Videos are a great way to leverage existing written content. In fact, videos are proven to increase SEO for written content, bringing more eyes to your website and increasing the opportunity for inbound leads. As an added bonus, website visitors can have the option of viewing your content in written or video formats based on their preference. It’s a win-win.

Videos can be powerful tools, but should never be seen as an all-in-one strategy. As with most things in marketing, video only represents a piece of the overall puzzle. Building a strategy that encompasses your current and future content, and has the creative insights necessary to evoke a specific response from the psyche of your target market, represents the nitty gritty details that Tobe Agency loves to delve into.


Ready to grow using video and sales enablement tactics? Let Tobe Agency help! Contact us today.

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