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Why Should I Use an All-in-one Marketing Tech Platform?

Not sure if you should invest in an all-in-one marketing tool or go ala carte? Here's a quick breakdown to help you assess and decide.

Benefits of an all-in-one marketing platform - vector image

Tech plays a big role in today’s business world. There’s tech for advertising, marketing, customer outreach, data tracking and dozens of other purposes – and for many people, it can seem pretty overwhelming.

How can you possibly know which tools to choose, let alone figure out how to use them all?

The answer’s pretty simple: you don’t.

The All-in-one Marketing Platform

Let’s face it. As a business owner, you’re already pretty strapped for time. You don’t have the resources nor the hours in the day to keep up with all the tech tools out there, and you certainly don’t have the energy to sit down and learn how to use each one.

Still, you need to be leveraging technology.

Tech – and the data it offers – is the key to reaching today’s consumers in an effective and powerful way. It’s what can put you ahead of your competitors or leave you falling behind and floundering.

An all-in-one marketing platform helps you leverage that powerful technology in a simple, streamlined and efficient way. You can market your services, reach your customers and measure your results all from one handy platform. That means one tool to pay for and, better yet, only one tool to learn.

Not sure an all-in-one platform is for you? Here’s why you might want to reconsider:


1: Automation

Sales and marketing are the two most resource-eating parts of your business. They require staff, tech, research and, of course, a budget for any paid advertising you might want to use. There’s also a lot of room for error – and loss. That’s where all-in-one platforms can help.

These tools can fully automate your marketing and sales efforts from start to finish. From outreach and lead nurturing to full email and social marketing campaigns, all-in-one platforms can handle every step along the way. No extra staff needed. Just a more efficient, more effective approach that brings customers in and moves them through the sales funnel.


2: Better Data

One of the biggest perks of all-in-one marketing platforms is the robust data they give you.

They’re able to track metrics across your entire operation, giving you deep insights into your marketing, sales, lead generation and social media efforts. Best of all, they make reporting and understanding that data easy.

With just a few clicks of the button, you can see your most important KPIs spelled out in an easy-to-understand graph or chart. That means no more fumbling with unwieldy spreadsheets and no fishing for data in dozens of different silos across your operation. See it all in one place, and easily spot trends and areas for improvement.


3: Cost-effectiveness

Leveraging the latest tech can get expensive. Maybe you start with a CRM. Then you add a social media management tool, a data tracking tool and another tool to help you with digital advertising. Before you know it, you’re paying monthly for five or six different tools.

Not only does this equal high costs, but it can also muddle your data, confuse your insights and make it harder for you and your team to execute winning strategies.

An all-in-one marketing platform houses all of these unique tool in one singular place. That means no confusion, no bottlenecks in the workflow, and a better shot at success on the whole.


4: Smaller Learning Curve

With an all-in-one solution, you only have to learn one technology.

That means getting set up and started (not to mention seeing success) are infinitely easier. The same can’t be said when you’re using multiple tech tools, each with their own purpose, features and nuances.


Added Efficiency, Less Work and Resources

When it comes to all-in-one marketing platforms, the bottom line is simple: they let you do more with less. You’ll spend less time, money and effort to execute your strategies – and probably do it better in the process.

Interested in implementing an all-in-one marketing platform for your company and not sure where to start? Get in touch with us and we’d be happy to answer any questions you might have on implementing an all-in-one platform for your marketing efforts.

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