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Why Use YouTube? Learn the Stats and Proven Marketing Benefits

Discover the power of YouTube in your marketing strategy with these stats and proven benefits. Don't be late in the game!

Vector man gives thumbs up on why use YouTube for marketing

There’s a lot going on beneath that red and white YouTube logo. is the second most popular website in the world, just behind Google. In fact, YouTube is also the second-largest search engine in the world. If you aren’t using videos or video podcasts in your marketing strategy, you’re missing A LOT.

Why use YouTube? Let’s dig in:


3 billion searches per month are done on YouTube

Who wouldn’t want a slice of THAT pie? In order to get your share of the billions of searches completed using YouTube’s search engine, you need an established level of video presence. 

Optimizing your videos for YouTube search involves adding titles, descriptions, captions, and other text that helps viewers find your content. Just like you SEO your written content for Google, you can SEO your video content for YouTube. Great SEO will help you dominate the YouTube video ranking algorithm.


Video recommendations put your content in front of valuable audiences 

YouTube’s intuitive algorithm can also increase your exposure by suggesting your videos to viewers who are viewing similar content. According to YouTube CPO Neal Mohan, more than 70% of video views originate from their own AI-driven content suggestions. 

Using YouTube to promote your business allows for effortless lead generation. Without a YouTube video presence, you’ll miss out on new prospects from YouTube’s video suggestion feature.


Having a video presence maximizes your reach on Google

YouTube videos often receive a high ranking on Google’s search results. Additionally, Google suggests videos under its own search designation, within the first results page and a separate video tab. Without a video presence, your business won’t have a shot at these valuable search result positions.

If other websites embed your video on their pages, Google’s algorithm will infer that your business YouTube channel is providing engaging content that is valuable to your target audience. This will result in a higher search ranking.


Your target market is definitely on YouTube

Current YouTube user statistics tell us there are 2 billion active users on YouTube each month, and about 5 billion YouTube videos are watched each day. In fact, 73% of US adults use YouTube, with over half reporting that they visit YouTube daily.

Are you getting the picture? Incorporating YouTube into your top-of-funnel efforts will open up a whole new world of potential leads. Plus, videos are highly shareable, making it easy for leads to disseminate your content organically. 


YouTube is effective for conversions

Why use YouTube in your strategy? A whopping 90% of shoppers say they’ve discovered a new brand or product via YouTube. Just as impressive, 74% of users who watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service subsequently bought it. 

Those stats line up with what your fellow marketers report: 64% of businesses who use video marketing believe that it has directly led to increased sales conversions, and 76% of businesses who use video believe that it provides a good return on investment.

A well-planned YouTube strategy can be the key to growth in any business climate. Need to run some questions by us? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Tobe!

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