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What are Internal Podcasts? (With Examples)

More and more businesses are adapting internal podcasts for corporate communication. Is a move like this right for your company?

Two people working on a megaphone.

Here’s a question for Human Resource departments and all you business owners out there...How do you communicate with your employees? More specifically, how do you communicate in a way that actually resonates with your employees?

If you’ve been relying on that quarterly newsletter, you may want to rethink your strategy.

Why? It's simple — your employees likely aren't reading it.

  • The average email gets read in 13.4 seconds — and that’s actually UP 20% from 2018. Compare this to the average podcast listener, who typically listens to the entirety of a podcast episode. (source)
  • Most internal communication methods have very low employee engagement — below 20%. (March 2020 research by Storyboard)
  • People prefer to watch/listen over having to read. (source)

So what’s the answer? What is the most effective way to engage with your employees AND keep them informed? Internal podcasts are the solution.

Let’s take a quick look at the world of Internal Podcasts.


What is an Internal Podcast?

An internal podcast is a show built for an internal audience — in this case, anyone working at your company. That’s it! Pretty simple, right?

Internal podcasts can be hosted publicly for everyone to hear, or privately so only a specific group of people may see it (depending on the sensitivity of the subject). However, the goals in either case remain the same:

  1. Teach the listener something new;
  2. Inform the listener;
  3. Entertain the listener.

Here's a great example. American Airlines started its podcast — “Tell Me Why” — to address some of the questions and concerns employees had regarding the decisions management was making. It now lives publicly and is listened to by both employees AND people who really love the AA brand.


The Benefits of an Internal Podcast

  1. Higher Employee Engagement
  2. Culture Building
  3. Learning and Development
  4. Higher Employee Retention


Is Internal Podcasting Right for Your Business?

While internal podcasts are powerful, you may be wondering if they’re right for your business.

Here are some signs that an internal podcast just might work for you:

  • You currently maintain a younger employee demographic of 18-45 years old (Who Listens to Podcasts?)
  • Your company either has a lot of employees, or your employees are currently working remotely
  • You're experiencing rapid growth and are continuously onboarding new staff employees
  • Your company deals with complex products or other issues that might not be as easily explained via email

Remember, employee engagement is tricky. HR teams and leadership have tried everything from employee discounts and free food to dedicated yoga time and newsletters. Make sure you’re spending your money wisely by providing your employees with important information the way THEY want to consume it!

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