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Increase Engagement Rates with These 3 Types of Rich Media

Today's consumers want more than a blog post. Here are three types of rich media to increase engagement rates and give your prospects what they want.

Increase engagement rates with these 3 types of rich media

Let’s face it — most consumers are all blogged out.

Consumers have a shorter attention span (approximately eight seconds, according to a recent Microsoft study), and “digital noise” is only getting louder...not exactly what a marketer wants to hear, is it?

The good news is there are a few types of rich media consumers not only prefer to engage with, but actually seek out.

If you’re looking to increase your engagement, here are three types of rich media you’ll want to include in your marketing plan:

1. Video Content

Obvious? Maybe.

No matter which way you slice it, video is by far the most preferred type of rich media consumers like to engage with.

According to the video creation platform Animoto, a whopping 93 percent of the brands surveyed in their recent Consumer Insights report acquired new customers from video on social media as opposed to static content.

Even when it comes to paid advertising, video outperforms any other type of ad media. As far back as 2014, Adform was reporting a 267 percent increase in click-through rates on video banner ads. That number continues to remain higher than static ads to this day.

There are plenty of brands — especially B2B brands — that aren’t using video content in their marketing plan.

A simple tip to get started? Instead of reinventing the wheel, turn your best-performing blog posts into video content you can use on Youtube and cut into shorter clips for social media.

2. Infographics

Another type of rich media consumers prefer to engage with? Infographics.

Infographics allow consumers to understand a big concept at a glance, making them the perfect display media to accompany blog posts and social media posts.

In fact, according to Digital Information World, infographics are 30 times more likely to be read in their entirety than a blog post or news article. This makes sense when you consider a study from Pearson revealing that more than 65 percent of people are visual learners.

Plus, infographics are fun and easy to share on social media platforms, which means free marketing for you!

Again, this type of rich media is easy to repurpose from content you probably already have on your blog by illustrating a post’s big picture and main supporting points in one, eye-catching graphic.

If you don’t have a blog yet your brand or company offers services, you could even create a visual representation of how your service works from start to finish, highlighting key milestones.

3. Podcasts

Finally, podcasts are one of the most versatile types of rich media you can include in your marketing plan to increase engagement.

To begin with, 68 million people listen to podcasts weekly, which means consumers are actively seeking podcast content to listen to.

Because so many people are tuning in every week, podcasts can be a great alternative to blogging if you’re trying to reach a new and cold audience.

Even better?

Podcasts offer more insights into your audience’s interests than blog content can.

Since you can see average listening time and some platforms can show you exactly where listeners drop off for each episode, it’s easier to double down on what’s engaging your audience and ditch what’s not.

Ready to Include Different Types of Rich Media In Your Content Marketing Strategy

Check out our free guide to planning, creating and executing a rich media content strategy here. If you have any questions, the experts at Tobe are happy to help.

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